Motorist Suffers Injuries on the Cheek, Tongue Due to Manja

Hyderabad: A motorist on Friday suffered injuries to his cheek and tongue from a hanging piece of kite ‘manja’. He was wearing a helmet, which prevented more serious injuries, police said. The victim was riding a two-wheeler at Tilaknagar near Abids when the incident occurred. Kite string-related injuries to both humans and animals have become a growing concern in the city. Kite flyers use “manja" which is dangerous as it is often coated with glass, making it more likely to cause severe cuts. Despite manja being banned in the state, flyers still use illegal manja to fly kites.

Motorist Suffers Injuries on the Cheek, Tongue Due to Manja

Hyderabad: A motorist on Friday suffered injuries to his cheek and tongue from a hanging piece of kite ‘manja’. He was wearing a helmet, which prevented more serious injuries, police said.

The victim was riding a two-wheeler at Tilaknagar near Abids when the incident occurred.

Kite string-related injuries to both humans and animals have become a growing concern in the city. Kite flyers use “manja" which is dangerous as it is often coated with glass, making it more likely to cause severe cuts. Despite manja being banned in the state, flyers still use illegal manja to fly kites.