What’s in Your Tool Box?

It’s Been a Hell of a Week The stunning election results, coupled with a record snowfall in Santa Fe, add to that my unpredictable back going out…life has kept me indoors, mostly in bed, and in a pensive mood. When I was younger and life took its periodic swipes, I’d react negatively and would end […]

Jan 2, 2025 - 04:21
What’s in Your Tool Box?

It’s Been a Hell of a Week

The stunning election results, coupled with a record snowfall in Santa Fe, add to that my unpredictable back going out…life has kept me indoors, mostly in bed, and in a pensive mood.

When I was younger and life took its periodic swipes, I’d react negatively and would end up curled under the covers where I felt safe. Over the years, and with intentional practice, I’ve developed a healthier and more powerful coping repertoire–a toolbox. Instead of hammers, wrenches, and a rusty crow bar, my kit contains resiliency tools, materials I’ve accumulated over the years to help me navigate life’s storms…

Read the Full Story Here!

Stay Healthy and Stay Pawsitive,

Carlyn MDO                         </div>
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