A Reason To Change

A couple of years ago, I was asked to be an advisor on a film focused on the power of the animal-human bond. I was thrilled! Since Dog as My Doctor, Cat as My Nurse was published I’ve passionately shared the message about the animal-human health connection and how our bond with our animal friends can benefit […]

Jan 2, 2025 - 04:22
A Reason To Change

A couple of years ago, I was asked to be an advisor on a film focused on the power of the animal-human bond. I was thrilled!

Since Dog as My Doctor, Cat as My Nurse was published I’ve passionately shared the message about the animal-human health connection and how our bond with our animal friends can benefit our health and happiness in countless ways. In my book, I talk about how animals can also help us live more extraordinary lives. That is what the short documentary, A Reason to Change is about.

When I saw the completed version of, A Reason to Change, it touched my heart deeply. The film captured the essence of how caring for an animal can help us better nourish ourselves, and in the process, become better humans.

If you want to feel inspired today, take a peek at A Reason to Change. I think you will be as taken with Pali’s story as I was.

Read the short blog I wrote about Pali on Thrive Global here.

Watch A Reason to Change here.

Stay healthy and stay pawsitive,

Carlyn MDO                         </div>
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