Global Rating: The best players from each draft class

Every year, the NBA draft is a great opportunity to look at the future of the league. Players get selected from No. 1 to No. 60 with one big question in mind: which ones will end up having the bigger impact on the court? According to Global Rating, these are the best players this season from each NBA draft class – including those who were eligible that year but ended up undrafted. (RNK: Overall league ranking).

Global Rating: The best players from each draft class

Every year, the NBA draft is a great opportunity to look at the future of the league. Players get selected from No. 1 to No. 60 with one big question in mind: which ones will end up having the bigger impact on the court?

According to Global Rating, these are the best players this season from each NBA draft class – including those who were eligible that year but ended up undrafted.

(RNK: Overall league ranking).