Shadows’ character-switching is a remedy for anyone getting bored of the Assassin’s Creed gameplay loop that’s been baked into the series since Origins

Have you ever heard about chemical memory? It’s the phenomenon whereby RNA, or ribonucleic acid, can apparently transfer rudimentary memories between living things. A controversial experiment undertaken at UCLA found that taking RNA from one slug and injecting it into another resulted in the latter creature ‘remembering’ the experiences of the first. You can read about the experiment here. Read more

Jan 24, 2025 - 09:59
Shadows’ character-switching is a remedy for anyone getting bored of the Assassin’s Creed gameplay loop that’s been baked into the series since Origins

Have you ever heard about chemical memory? It’s the phenomenon whereby RNA, or ribonucleic acid, can apparently transfer rudimentary memories between living things. A controversial experiment undertaken at UCLA found that taking RNA from one slug and injecting it into another resulted in the latter creature ‘remembering’ the experiences of the first. You can read about the experiment here.

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