A Year of Change: Celebrating Milestones in Canine Health and Wellness

This year has brought significant developments in canine health and nutrition. We've challenged outdated beliefs about raw bones, explored hormone-sparing sterilization techniques, and introduced new approaches to joint health. Our blog post delves into these advancements, offering practical insights for dog owners. Discover how recent research is reshaping our understanding of canine care and learn actionable steps to enhance your dog's health and quality of life.More

Jan 2, 2025 - 02:57
A Year of Change: Celebrating Milestones in Canine Health and Wellness


I hope you and your dogs had a wonderful Thanksgiving and also enjoyed a fun time with your dogs walking off the turkey. 
Did you share some delicious food with your dog? I hope so, and if not, Christmas is still coming. All I can say is we no longer need to believe the nonsense pet food giants tried to indoctrinate us, such as no salt, no spices, and no human food.
All you need to know is what food is safe for your dog. No onions, no grapes or raisins, no chocolate. But a big yes for turkey, veggies, and even some mashed potatoes.  

Why not?!

The year is already coming to a close, and it has been full of aha moments and discoveries!
Being focused on healthcare and nutrition, new research and studies are an endless source of learning and improving the ways we keep our dogs and ourselves healthy. 
It has also been a year of focusing on staying in touch with you and even meeting some of you online.  

We have also reached another big milestone, the launch of the long-awaited JointButter and Joint Powder (which is now back in stock!!!), the fermented joint health and mobility formulas.

The topic of hormone-sparing sterilization and hormone replacement therapy has been a significant focus of 2024. I have had the pleasure of working with two of the leading researchers in the field, Dr. Kutzler, and Dr. Brent.
With Dr. Becker and Rodney Habib, we are already working on creating a continuing education program to fast-track the shift from conventional to hormone-sparing procedures. 

This will be a profound shift in preventing many chronic conditions and even cancer by preserving our dog’s hormone production or hormone replacement in spayed and neutered dogs. 

This change is nothing short of revolutionary and a big reason for celebration.

We Are At Your Service

Overall, I sincerely hope that my team and I have made a meaningful difference for you, and your dogs.

A part of this effort has been articles and content. I want to take the opportunity to highlight the ones that you may find useful.  Plus... a little sneak peek of what’s coming.

Understanding Paw Licking

Does your dog keep you up at night licking their paws? Discover why your dog might be licking their paws and what it could mean. 

Treating Hot Spots Naturally

Learn the real reason why dogs suffer from hot spots and what you can do to avoid, help heal, and treat them. Read our guide.

Holistic Wound Care & Common Mistakes

We have long been told to leave scabs on our wounds to help heal - but did you know that thick scabs can prolong healing and make scars more visible? In one of my latest blogs, I share the five most common mistakes people make around wound care, the best ways to heal wounds, bites, and stings. There is one product that I never leave without when travelling. Learn more.

Osteoporosis Prevention

Early in the year, we received great feedback on the article touching the topic of osteoporosis and effective ways to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Preventing bone fractures is directly connected with longer lives. If you missed the article, read more here.

What Happens When Gonads Are Removed?

A lot and this is why I have become the hormone-sparing sterilization and hormone replacement warrior! Pax has been a great teacher in the process and the transformation I witnessed after he was put on hormone replacement therapy has been mind-blowing. Watch a conversation on this topic with our dear allies, Dr. Karen Becker and Rodney Habib.

Preventing Cruciate Ligament Tears

This past summer, I sat down with a board certified mobility and rehabilitation specialist, Dr. Laurie McCauley, to answer many of your questions about canine cranial cruciate ligament injuries what you can do, and how to prevent them from happening. 

Treating Joint Pain Naturally (Without Drugs)

There is more to managing joint pain, stiffness, injuries, and arthritis in dogs than supplements. For example at home laser therapy.  Yes, I got a laser for Pax and I too under the guidance of Dr. McCauley and my experience has been amazing. Last year, I suffered a shoulder injury and laser and JointButter H+ ( for humans ) have done the trick! I am back to swimming and my shoulder and joints overall feel better than 20 years ago. I never imagined that being 60. Now, all I want to do is share the newly acquired knowledge and options to improve joint health and mobility with you. Read more here.

Dental Health

Dental health is at the core of many other serious problems such as heart, kidney disease and chronic inflammation. But dental health doesn’t always mean yearly anesthesia and dental cleaning. Nature has a trick that you must know (unless you already do).

Last but certainly not least, if you want to learn all the details and see all the interviews with scientists and colleagues about hormone-sparing sterilization and hormone replacement,
make sure you do not miss the mega-blog on this topic. (Compliments of my greatest teacher, my sweet Pax ❤️)

You would make my day if you share this important free resource with others! Do it now, click here.

Whether you are a
long time subscriber or new to our dog-crazy corner of the world, I want to thank you for being here, trusting our work and products and making a difference. Reading your stories and learning about how much you care makes all the effort worth it.

Give your dogs the biggest and tightest hug for me. They are lucky to have you!

PS: One more thing!

My dear friend, team member and dog lover extraordinaire prepared a 12 days of Christmas event that starts this Saturday. If you LOVE Christmas, trying your luck, and more savings, STAY TUNED!