Mangoceuticals Inc (MGRX) Interesting Under the Radar Disruption Play in $BB ED Space

We like to focus our research on disruptive new technologies or “angles” on established industries—new opportunities that are all about turning something on its head in a way that offers up the potential to drive serious growth for investors. Today’s focus stock is Mangoceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:MGRX), makers of the Mango treatment for erectile disfunction. Created […]

Dec 22, 2024 - 06:12
Mangoceuticals Inc (MGRX) Interesting Under the Radar Disruption Play in $BB ED Space

We like to focus our research on disruptive new technologies or “angles” on established industries—new opportunities that are all about turning something on its head in a way that offers up the potential to drive serious growth for investors.

Today’s focus stock is Mangoceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:MGRX), makers of the Mango treatment for erectile disfunction. Created using a special formulation featuring the same active ingredient as in Cialis (Tadalafil), each part of the Mango formulation plays a critical role in helping men achieve optimum performance.

The company has noted that it believes the key to Mango’s success lies in its unique blend of ingredients. They have all been traditionally used to treat ED of one type or another. Mango contains all of them for maximum efficacy.

Mango is a prescription medication that must be approved by a physician. However, the company has apparently worked to streamline that side of things through its online telehealth system that connects patients to Mango’s network of medical providers, who are standing by to review and approve a prescription if medically appropriate.

Mango also appears to have another advantage over the competition: it’s a rapidly dissolved tablet (RDT). It gets absorbed orally, so it takes effect sooner—like 10-15 minutes. And it lasts up to 36 hours.

About the only thing going against MGRX right now is just that it has been flying under the radar.

Into the Spotlight

While MGRX has been flying under the radar until now, that may be set to change. The company recently announced the launch of a new viral video ad campaign: “Some Things Are Better Hard”.

The campaign centers around a single full-length video made of multiple short videos, all designed to go viral. It’s definitely worth a watch.

According to the company, the whole package will be widely distributed, together as a whole and separately, across multiple social media platforms, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, Google, and Twitter.

The real kicker is the ‘angle’ MGRX is taking in its marketing strategy: The composition is designed to reinforce the central theme that “Some Things Are Better Hard”, leveraging humor and an open and confident framing of the pursuit of male health and personal improvement to defuse social taboos and normalize ED as a commonly shared functional obstacle to healthy male experiences.

In other words, the whole stigma around ED is the biggest hurdle ED brands face in marketing and selling product. MGRX is probably the only player on the field directly confronting that fact and navigating around it to the endzone.

“This campaign is expected to help to further position Mango in the ED market as a uniquely accessible resource which has the goal of helping normal men achieve greater fulfillment and self-confidence while avoiding brand association with social discomfort,” stated MangoRx Co-Founder and CEO, Jacob Cohen. “We believe we have opened up a disruptive new lane in this rapidly growing $3.5 billion market. Peak performance is a good thing. Making your life better is a good thing. Cultural barriers to talking frankly about that pursuit are a bad thing. Yet, until Mango came along, that’s typically how this marketplace tacitly operated. We believe that was a blind spot and the Mango brand is attempting to carve out a new model. We believe that the ‘Some Things Are Better Hard’ viral digital campaign is a perfect vehicle to press our incipient branding advantage.”

According to the company’s release, the “Some Things Are Better Hard” digital ad campaign represents the Company’s second attempt to use creative marketing to widen the branding gap with its competitors and to be the first ED solution to successfully expand to include a younger demographic. The Company’s first commercial, which originally debuted on YouTube in November 2022, has already been viewed nearly 6 million times.

More Spotlight

The viral ad is likely to be great for sales of Mango. But will it highlight the stock?

Certainly. At least to some extent. However, there’s also evidence that MGRX is getting its game on with investor relations.

In fact, just last week, the Company’s Co-Founder and CEO, Jacob Cohen, along with the MangoRx family, including Company officials and members of the executive management team, were at the Nasdaq MarketSite Tower in Times Square to ring the Nasdaq closing bell live on national television.

“This is a very exciting time for MangoRx as we scale up our brand presence and look forward to many tremendous opportunities for achievement that lie ahead of us in 2023,” stated Cohen. “To help capture this moment, we are honored to visit the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square to ring the Nasdaq Closing Bell and to cast a spotlight on our unique approach to men’s health and self-confidence.”

We can likely expect other moves that capture more spotlight for MGRX, which should be all to the good for its shareholders given what appears to be a very well-positioned disruption strategy in a multi-billion-dollar marketplace.