0DTEs = Gangsters Only

Quick Headsup: Live 0DTE trading today with JW at 12:30pm EST. It’s happening the same time his EPIC sale is ending in LottoX. That’s in just… What is 0DTE trading?  0DTEs are fast-paced trades expire the very next day, hence the name ZERO DAYS TO EXPIRATION (ODTE.) Who trades ‘em? Gangstas…  Take it from K-Dogg: […]

0DTEs = Gangsters Only

Quick Headsup:

Live 0DTE trading today with JW at 12:30pm EST. It’s happening the same time his EPIC sale is ending in LottoX. That’s in just…

What is 0DTE trading? 

0DTEs are fast-paced trades expire the very next day, hence the name ZERO DAYS TO EXPIRATION (ODTE.)

Who trades ‘em?


Take it from K-Dogg:

[Thanks to K-Dogg for inspiring this post!]


0DTE trading ISN’T for the faint of heart!

We’re talking about highly volatile trading and you have to be READY FOR ANYTHING –  like the ORIGINAL stock gangster, Jeff Williams.

So if you’re ready for the challenge and feel like embracing your own inner gangster…

LottoX is for you!

Join JW for Gangster Trading every Thurs LIVE @ 12:30pm- 1pm EST.

YES that is TODAY!

He’ll show you the ropes as he puts his own real money on the line!

Only thirty minutes… take that extra long bathroom break at work… multi-task eating and trading… do what you gotta do… but tune in and learn a thing or two!

And hopefully soon you’ll be singing this tune, too…

Don’t delay…


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