Adam Silver on LeBron James turning 40: 'In some ways he's a freak of nature'
His milestone birthday comes Monday, one that will make him the first player in NBA history to play in his teens, 20s, 30s and 40s. Such a feat has happened a couple of dozen times in baseball before. It has happened in hockey — Gordie Howe was a five-decade player, appearing in the NHL from his teens to his 50s — but never in the NFL or the NBA. Until now. James is making more basketball history and creating a club all of his own. “In some ways he’s a freak of nature,” NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said. “I’ve been around a lot of great players and he’s one of the hardest-working players I’ve been around. I mean, he doesn’t take a day off. He seems to not take an afternoon off. He’s always working on some part of his body. You meet with him and he’s always soaking something or eating something with some contraption attached to him.”Source: Associated Press What’s the buzz on Twitter? Emiliano Carchia @Sportando Happy 40th birthday LeBron!… – 10:10 AM Todd Whitehead @CrumpledJumper LeBron James is the oldest player – and the youngest player – to… – 10:03 AM StatMuse @statmuse LeBron James: 20x All-Star 20x All-NBA 6x All-Defense 4x MVP 4x Champ 4x FMVP 3x AS MVP IST MVP ROTY Still going strong at age 40. – 9:46 AM Chris Mannix @SIChrisMannix NEW: Teamed up with @liam_mckeone and editor @JohannaHuybers to write about 40 of the biggest moments of the now 40-year old @KingJames career… – 9:17 AM Ball Don’t Lie @Balldontlie 10 minutes of LeBron highlights to celebrate his 40th birthday

Source: Associated Press
What’s the buzz on Twitter?

Happy 40th birthday LeBron!… – 10:10 AM

LeBron James is the oldest player – and the youngest player – to… – 10:03 AM

LeBron James:
20x All-Star
20x All-NBA
6x All-Defense
4x MVP
4x Champ
Still going strong at age 40. – 9:46 AM

NEW: Teamed up with @liam_mckeone and editor @JohannaHuybers to write about 40 of the biggest moments of the now 40-year old @KingJames career… – 9:17 AM